More PowerPoint Tips

11 11 2009

Before i had even frothed the milk in my coffee, my manager was asking me the geeky question how do i….

With a new baby and lack of sleep there is no better way to start the day especially after being up at 5am for the early feed.

The question this time was “How do i print the Slide and Notes page with the Notes appearing bigger?” The usual scratch of my head and a few cogs ticking over good ol’ trusty google came to the rescue again.

By this time my manger had started to copy out the text from the notes section to a seperate word document and had two slides down by the time i came back with a solution;

“Note – Speaker notes can also be exported for use in Microsoft Word documents by selecting File > Send To > Microsoft Office Word from the menu and choosing the appropriate option.”


Once exported the document can be edited unlike the PowerPoint print and therefore you still get the slide at the top of the page but you can make the Note text as big as you like.

Dilbert and PowerPoint

2 11 2009

I have rencently been bitten by the PowerPoint bug in that i have come across some realy creative adn fantastically designed PowerPoint presentations that have rocked my world!

It is amazing that as an engineer we are trained to present the facts and having sat through countless presentations where bullet point after bullet point have appeared, we were never shown how fantastic a presentation could be. I suppose it comes back to the lecturers who were bullet point lovers i suppose so we didn’t have much in the way of inspiration to guide or motivate us.

That is where “Death By Power Point” shone like a magical beacon guiding me in all my wrongs. is the greatest collection of presentation, some are bad and follow the norm i.e. usiong templates and bullet points galore but there are also gems to be found and explored. It is amazing how a presentation can grab you and make you google “PowerPoint design tips”, “PowerPoint transparency” and “powerPoint imagery” to have the world open up like a blossoming flower. My eyes are now wide open!

It is infectious as well, i have commented on colleages presentations and provided examples and more often than not they have used the tips from “Death By PowerPoint” and had people comment on the presentation to them.

I leave you with a fantastic Dilbert about PowerPoint;

PowerPoint Ninja


30 10 2009

This is the first of hopefully many daily posts of the best of the web, world, inspiration, thoughts that crawl through my head on a daily basis.

I hope to learn how to use WordPress a little better along the way to integrate futher features that make this blog a daily recolection of my travels and thoughts.

First up would have to be Dilbert.  A great comic strip and believe me not too far off the working world i now inhabit.  Check it out on a daily basis and enjoy as i have done for many months now!